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Monday, January 26, 2009

Thanks for the Fish

Back in Europe for work. Sounds cool but let's be honest - I've got three kids, a disabled wife and a house full of neurotic pets. I have responsibilities at home and I want to be with them.

This blows huge a$$!

Good to get that off my chest. Today is not about them; M, BBG, the grommets, or other wayward and god protected fools. Its about YOU. I just wanted to say thanks for all of the great notes and comments I've been getting over the last few weeks. If you never read, I'd still write - its my thing. It does however help me a lot. This is my wee way of making sure that the above and those to come are never forgotten. It is also a way for me to feel a little less alone in this giant interconnected world that isolates us all. I get to throw out my two cents, in what I hope is a reasonable fashion and some of you have been very kind over the long haul. I write because I need to but its nice to be noticed.

All I can say is thanks but its a heartfelt one at that. I would ask one thing: Share my blog or some of the others out there about all of this with a friend and ask them to pass it on.

Great directory is

Here's my continuing spiel...

We have tens of thousands of young men and women who have been injured and wounded in service of our nation. This is a non political issue. We have a responsibility to take care of those who serve in our name. The only way that will happen is if we spread the message. I have friends who lived in horrible conditions for more than a year while they went through the Army Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES) and no one cared until a hole in the back corner of Walter Reed showed up in the Washington Post and on NBC nightly news. You don't have to pick my blog but find one or two about life after the GWOT and pass it around. Make sure that M's stop happening.



1 comment:

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Be happy