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Saturday, November 8, 2008


Its funny - my team lost the election and I'm really not that bothered. regardless of who the next president is, they are in a for a long and very difficult road to the recovery of the economy and our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bottom line - whoever won (Obama) got screwed!!!

... and I'm OK with that :-)

Duty calls and I'm off for Europe for a couple of weeks for work. I don't like leaving BBG and kidlets alone, especially when kidlets have caused so much heart ache (and money to solve said heart ache) recently but when I left the van and walked into the terminal today, I was totally at peace. She's fine.

Regardless of everything that has happened, here we are and she's fine. She may forget where she parked the mini van at Target tomorrow or forget to sign homework sheets and let the dogs out in the morning but in the grand scheme of things - every little thing gonna be all right. Its like letting them go off to college. They go and as hard as it is - you let them. They will sink or swim on their own.

This is important to me as I look at flying again. If every one doesn't eat, go to school, pay the bills (the right ones) and balance the check book - if those things don't happen, I'm kind of leaving them in the learch and I'm not that kind of guy.

BTW Iraq or Afghanistan are at least fifteen months out so we have plenty of time to plan all of this if we need to.

Swim baby


I love you - Earl.

1 comment:

Long-time RN said...

Wow, a big step. Thank you to your family this Veteran's Day and every day.
Cathy B