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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Fed Bailout of Individual Mortgages?

Today is a good day to talk politics.

The Iraqi government is in a full fledged battle with Al Sadr's boys in Basra. Hillary can't get her story straight - It was like totally awful with like bullets flying everywhere and the Bosnian Muslims attacking in hordes. OMG!!!

... and my good buddy Barack keeps singing me sunshine songs while birdies fly around his (and Cinderella's) heads. WTF?

Today CNN had a story focused on the fact that there is more traction in Washington to bail individual homeowners out of the mortgage mess.

Again - WTF!!!

Lets be honest folks - did you really think your fifty-five grand a year salary could pay for that five hundred thousand dollar house? Because of you folks, the itty bitty little house next to the one I rent costs four hundred thousand dollars. All these folks drove the market up and up and up on wishes, prayers, pixies and fairy dust. Those of us who were responsible, didn't get that reverse ammortization, interest only, resetable mortgage because we had the brains of my twelve year old.

In his defense - he stopped picking his nose at seven so we're pretty sure the elevator goes all the way to the top floor. What about the rest of you?

I used my head and didn't drop into the hype and now when home prices are resetting into more intelligent levels where I might be able to afford a decent one, the government is going to bail everyone out. That will just cause the average home price to hold steady at an untennable level while banks won't even give mortgages to people with good credit.

What ever happened to personal responsibility?

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