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Thursday, August 2, 2007

PTSD - Real!

This is it.

I've finally decided to join a bazillion other sad mother fuckers and spew my crap on-line. If you're reading this, I should be thankful or surprised. Frankly, I'm stunned.

I wouldn't read it.

I'm here for the nuts. Actually, I'm here to talk about the nuts - me, you, my crazy neurotic little German Short Hair dog and the wierd girl at work who insists on sharing her tongue ring with me every time we walk by each other in the hall.

Hint: I'm more impressed by the Gene Simmons tongue than I am by the ring. Wow!

Seriously though, the real purpose is to reach someone - hopefully a million someones because all those crazy dudes on the side of the road (you know: the Viet Nam guys who scare the shit out of us) are being replaced. They're being replaced with our friends from high school, the kid who mowed my lawn last summer and, oh yeah here's the biggie, our Sisters, Mothers and Wives. The VA is underfunded, care is almost impossible to get, nobody really cares and every day thousands more are coming home. How many have killed themselves, killed someone else, died inside? I don't know but I'm going to do my best to find out.

When I do, I'll share it with you.

I figured I'd do my part by blogging. I'm gonna share everything I can find about our soldiers who are returning from Iraq with PTSD. Maybe one of you will share this with one other person and so on. Maybe Mitt or Rudy or even Hillary will step off the soap box for just an afternoon and live in their shoes, cry with their families, listen to their lives, change something.

BTW: Gene Simmons girl - no ass at all.


I'm married to one of those severely disabled soldiers with PTSD. My kids and I live with my wife's pain every day. - the anger, the nightmares, the late nights, the drugs and the loss of self in a selfish world. As our world falls apart, I'm inviting you to come along for the ride. I'll spill the beans as much as I can without letting you know who she is. The last shred of dignity she has left is her privacy and I'm not gonna take that one away because

I love her.

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