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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Ground Hog Days...

Its hard to believe its been 9 years since BBGs humvee, UH-6o ambulance hospital airplane hospital airplane hospital airplane ambulance ride home. I know of said it before but my kids have paid the biggest price. The mom used to have is not the one they ended up with through no fault of their own. I, on the other hand, signed the contract and said the vows.

I deserve the Ground Hog Days of life after Iraq.

Well, I don' think anyone deserves this but I committed to the girl and so get committed to this whether I like it or not. I have to tell you though - I'm tired. I used to think I was a good guy for sticking through it all. The yelling the shitty behaviors, the mean things said to friends, the focus on those friends and not us and the kids. I'm beginning to wonder though.

Am I a good guy or just a fool?

Sometimes I wonder...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

And the band plays on...

This one will be quick...

mainly because the boy with my name and I are headed out for some I-Hop.

Rooty Tooty Fresh and Fruity anyone?

Seriously though - I deleted the last ten posts because they got too personal and despite the anonimity of cyberspace, they don't only belong to me. They tell the story of the people I love and you know how I hate to be the butterfly.

Wings flappin - hurricanes in Guam.

I'll rewrite them later tonight - not to censor myself but I think there's a better way to say what I need to say and I think its important to share. Folks who don't live with PTSD every day can't imagine what its like - especially for the family members (mostly the kids) of the one who is suffering.

The story needs to continue to be told.

