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Thursday, October 16, 2008

There and back again

I am not a geek!!

I lie...

There's a little bit of geek in all of us - mine just pops out more often than yours. Hence the frequent and shameless Scarlett Jo and Jello plugs. I can't help it, I'm drawn to it (Both SJ and the Jello - preferably together).

Now, the reason for my geekdom spiel and today's title: Like Frodo, Bilbo and the rest of the Hobbits I feel like I've been there and back again - over and over. I blog, I vent, I write, I sputter out and die for awhile. Life after Iraq is a roller coaster. This blog ebbs and flows because there comes a time when I just want to stop and scream. I can't write another word. Two months later, all melancholy and whiny, I realize that I haven't written and I'm sucked back in.

and so here I am - again!

My BBG is doing OK. She's struggling to deal with all of the things she's lost and quilting to keep her mind off of it. She has started a charity Quilt Fiber Fundraisers to raise money for Veterans to attend the wheelchair games and to provide quilts for Quilts of Valor. She has gotten hundreds of quilters from around Colorado to get together at the Colorado History Museum to make quilt tops for Quilts of Valor and a ton of long arm quilters to volunteer their machines and time to actually quilt them. They've raised over 5k so far. In March, they will be auctioning the quilts off at an event in Denver. The finished Quilts will then be signed by the person who purchased it and sent to Quilts of valor. Quilts of Valor gives one to every wounded and injured service member who comes through LRMC in Germany. We have the one they gave to her on the wall of our living room. Like everything else post-Iraq, it stands for everything good and horrible about these wars.

I'm amazed at her tenacity. Despite the pain, the drugs and everything else we're going through she's decided that doing this will somehow make it all better. I love her for it but I wish she would just rest for a couple hundred hours. The kids are delinquent (not really), the house is a disaster (really), and I think the pile of laundry in my son's room made a move at me last night (If only I'd had nods I could have put it down). She's physically shot and emotionally a train wreck this month but she will drug up and work on this fundraiser until there's nothing left.

Then we spend ten days trying to put the pieces of her back together. So here I am, some fresh whine to go with the cheese - back to blogging.

Sometimes I wish it would all just go away.

Anyway, I promise to post more regularly until I'm burned out again then I'll crawl under my rock for awhile.



Long-time RN said...

Good to 'hear' you again. Been reading a while, never commented.
Bless you and yours. All I can extend is empathy, meager words of support, and an internet ((hug)). You're doing one hellava job. Hope and pray your wife finds a way through. Reading about her is heartbreaking.

Hang tough.

Alycia said...

I am impressed that even in her pain that your wife can continue to help focus on others. She is an inspiration. Thank you for sharing - and for your writing.