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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Never Forget

This last week several polls about the war in Afghanistan were widely reported in the media. Net net, it was determined that roughly half of all Americans are tired of the war in Afghnistan and feel that it is time to walk away. According to the White House Press Office, the President is weighing his options.

As per normal, I'll share a few thoughts (This is after all my blog and I get to say whatever I want) WTF - that came out of nowhere. Seriously though - have we forgotten why we invaded Afghanistan?

Let me remind you.

Although polls are an accepted part of our political landscape, they should never be used to make policy. Divestiture of the Afghan problem would simply lay bare an area four times the size of Texas for Islamic Extremists to train and prepare for their next horrific attack on the free nations of the world and yes (even to the Obama haters) that includes the United States - this beautiful country we all love and that my family has bled for since the revolutionary war. I realize that most of you who read this blog are military or veteran associated and so, like me and mine, have a vested interest in what happens in these wars we have been fighting. I also realize that a few of you have no such association and it is to you this message goes.

War and what it brings (mostly to the young) is abhorrent to all civilized peoples and yet there are times when it is necessary to depose those who would seek to inflict tragedy on others. Young men woman must die. I know too many - as friends and sons and fathers and even one mother. It is a burden I carry with me each day as I wake and each night as I sleep but it is a burden I believe in. Their lives have not been in spent in vain. As of this morning eight hundred forty-eight young American men and woman have laid down their lives in this far away place so that you and I will never have to suffer the consequences of Radical Muslims who believe that our deaths (all of our deaths) is a requirement to stand faithfully in front of God. If we leave, if we do not bring hope to a land that is void of hope and thus a breeding ground for radicalism, we will surely consign ouselves to greater tragedies in the years to come.

Each of these service members stand proudly on a wall, they give their lives, so that we never have to count the thousands or even the tens of thousands on our soil again. Do you think we should base their sacrifice on a poll - plus or minus 3.5%



Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back with a Vengance

Sorry for the long hiatus friends.

I needed time for me and for my family as a lot has been happening and I owe some call outs:

1) BBG had her charity event and she and her quilting supporters finished over 200 quilts for our wounded and injured as they are medevac'd through Landstuhl. They also raised over $7,000 for the veterans wheelchair games which will be held in Denver next July. I'd like to call out the nurses and staff at the VA who gave her their time, love and support in this effort. I won't name them "D, JS, and crew". You know I hate to be the butterfly. I'd also like to thank the woman of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) of which she is one. They are truly an example of friendship, love and support and stand for what makes America the greatest place in the world. They are the patriots who can trace their lineage to our war of independence and once again they have risen to the occasion. Jim and Nicks barbecue of Denver for showing true support and providing amazing barbecue at cost for the Phipps Mansion display and celebration of 180 quilts. You are all patriots and I will be there if ever you need me. You have earned it.

2) The armor company, EBS Composites Group, of which I am the COO and which has made some mind bending advances in body, vehicle, marine and aircraft armor in the last few months. It has taken every waking hour above and beyond my day job as an engineer. Soon you will hear our name lots as we are stopping rounds at half the weight and 30% of the cost of most of the industry. After all, why should our soldiers be weighed down any more than they already are and why should our government pay a premium to save the lives of the men and woman who stand on a wall in our names. This aint hype - last weekend I unloaded a full nine millimeter clip and a mag of 44s into a .7 lb AD panel, at point blank range, with no penetrations and multiple Ak rounds into a 1lb AD plate with the same result. The armor market's about to be turned upside down.

3) My herd of kidlets for suviving all of this without much parental support and most importantly I owe the world to BBG.

4) BBG has done all of this despite being physically crushed and dealing with PTSD that seems to be at its worst right now. She is a force of nature, despite her disabilities and it is why, 18 years ago, I married her. Her tenacity in the face of all of this makes me feel a little more insignificant and blessed every day. Now I just need to figure out a way to get her a cleaning lady.

Now that I've gotten all of that out of the way, I want to give you a heads up on tomorrow's blog:

It will be about the war in Afghanistan and the fact the pollsters say America is sick of being invloved in it. I'll share why this is a war we must fight and if need be why I would be willing to fight it for you.

